Daily Routine
What is the routine? What is its significance?
Routine refers to the actions that are followed regularly from the time you wake up to the time you sleep. There are many benefits to a good routine. If you maintain a daily routine, you get a life of discipline; good habits for the body and the mind are very helpful in difficult situations. These habits are added permanently to your life owing to the routine. Tejonidhi, the biography of His Holiness More Dada, is a very prestigious and important scripture of our Seva Marg. According to Tejonidhi, His Holiness Sadguru More Dada as a child never deviated from his routine, not even once. On his way to the farm, he would recite Ram Raksha Stotra and Vishnusahastranam. The road to the farm was then lined with mango trees. But sadly they are no more now. Had the mango trees been around today, they would have told us about His Holiness More Dada’s stringent schedule. Even if he were fatigued and could not say Ram Raksha and Vishnusahastranam, he would recite it in his sleep according to his schedule. This is the effect of a Routine on the body and mind.

What comprises a good routine?
- Sleeping early and waking up early in the morning
- Appropriate planning of time which consists of – Study+ Sports/ recreational activities +Exercise+Extra Reading+ Prayer+ Entertainment should be planned properly.
- Your conduct should be fine. We should keep the mind and body clean.
- We should respect our parents.
- When we wake up in the morning , we must immediately join our hands and say the following prayer –
|Karagre Vaste Lakshmi | ||Karamadhye Saraswati ||
|Karamulye tu govindam | ||Prabhate karadarsanam ||
This means:
Goddess Lakshmi stays on the extremities of our fingers, Goddess Saraswati on the mid of the palms of our hand and Lord Venkateshwara (Lord Vishnu) on the root of the palms of hand. Hence we should take darshan of our hands in the morning.
- Then we should place our feet on the ground and recite the following prayer –
|Samudra vasane Devi parvata stana mandale |
||Vishnupatni namas tubhyam paada sparsham Kshamaswame ||
- We should clean our teeth and our stomach, and then do the sun salutation (Surya Namaskar).
- We should take a bath followed by paying your respects to your parents and then taking Charan Teerth.
- We should do our Nitya Seva daily in the morning or evening.
- For Nity Seva For Children :
- Shri Swami Samarth Mantra – 1 Mala
- Gayatri Mantra – 24 times
- Saraswati mantra -11 times
- Surya mantra – 11 times
- Ganapati atharvashirsha – 1 Time
- Saraswati Stora – 1 Time
- Pradnya vivardhana Stotra – 1 Time
- Out diet should comprise of nutritious and soothing food. We should not watch T.V. while eating food.
- In the evening we should do the following prayers:
Ram Raksha Stotra
Shubham karoti Kalyanam…
- School homework should be completed regularly.
- Before going to bed we should take Darshan of God
- While falling asleep, we should commit ourselves to having a respectful, self-dependent and an ideal life.
Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)
According to Indian culture, the sun god is a very glorious God. The Sun is a source of all types of energy. Sun is the Giver of life. This is why the Sun God has been worshiped for thousands of years. Surya Namaskar’s root word in Sanskrit is ‘Sashtanga Surya Namaskar’.That means to bow to the sun with the eight aspects of the body.
Surya Namaskar incorporates the mind, body, and soul, and controls all three of them. Our dormant energy is increased whilst activating it. It also helps to put his energy to good use. Children should perform the Surya Namaskar at least 13 times daily in the morning.
The 13 names of the Sun God are:
Om Mitraay Namaha
Om Ravaye Namaha
Om Suryaay Namaha
Om Bhanave Namaha
Om Khagaay Namaha
Om Pushne Namaha
Om Hiranyagarbhaay Namaha
Om Marichaye Namaha
Om Adityaay Namaha
Om Savitre Namaha
Om Arkaay Namaha
Om Bhaaskaraay Namaha
Om Shri Surya Naaraayanaay Namaha